NCAAA Accreditation

NCAAA Accreditation:

The undergraduate program Bachelor of Mathematics, in Mathematics Department, is accredited by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation (NCAAA).


Program Educational Objectives:

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics is designed to develop an understanding of basic theoretical concepts of Mathematics, its applications in problem solving and where possible applying them. The educational objectives of the BS program in Mathematics:

  1. Provide students with fundamental knowledge in mathematics for use in interdisciplinary research.
  2. Enable students to pursue higher studies in mathematics and related fields.
  3. Train students to take on careers through knowledge, teamwork and communication skills.


Student Outcomes:

The Bachelor of Mathematics program enables students to acquire, the following outcomes, by the time of graduation:

Knowledge and understanding:

  1. Discuss basic ideas in differential, integral, and multivariable calculus.
  2. Explain fundamental concepts of abstract and linear algebra.
  3. Discuss basic concepts of real and complex analysis.
  4. Explain basic theory of sets and structures.


  1. Implement suitable techniques to solve ordinary and partial differential equations.
  2. Analyze and solve problems of basic statistics.
  3. Analyze and prove basic theorems in mathematics.
  4. Build appropriate mathematical or data driven models to solve real life problems.
  5. Use appropriate mathematical or statistical software.
  6. Communicate mathematics orally and in written form.


  • Work professionally and ethically in team.


Annual Student Enrollment for current and last 5 years: