Four Year Academic Plan

Four-Year Undergraduate Courses Offering Plan
Digital/Business Foundation
Freshman Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
MATH 101 MS Calculus I 4 0 4 MATH 102 MS Calculus II 4 0 4
Sophomore Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
MATH 201 MS Calculus III 3 0 3 MATH 208 MS Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3 0 3
MATH 210 CR Intro. to Sets and Structures 3 0 3 MATH 225 CR Intro. to Linear Algebra 3 0 3
STAT 319 CR Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists 2 2 3 MATH 323 CR Modern  Algebra I 3 0 3
Junior Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
MATH 333   CR Methods of Applied Math I 3 0 3 MATH 441 CR Advanced Calculus II 3 0 3
MATH 341   CR Advanced Calculus I 3 0 3 XXX xxx CR MATH 451 or STAT 301* 3 0 3
MATH 371   CR Intro. to Numerical Computing 2 2 3 MATH xxx CE MATH Elective I 3 0 3
XXX xxx FE Free Elective 3 0 3       
Summer Session   MATH 399 CR Summer Training 0 0 2
Senior Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
MATH 445 CR Intro. to Complex Variables 3 0 3 MATH 453 CR Intro. to Topology 3 0 3
MATH xxx CE MATH Elective II 3 0 3 MATH 490 CR Seminar in Math 1 0 1
MATH xxx CE MATH Elective III 3 0 3 MATH xxx CE MATH Elective IV 3 0 3
Math Common Courses:
MATH 101 Calculus I
MATH 102 Calculus II
MATH 105 Finite Mathematics ( offered in the second term only)
MATH 106 Applied Calculus  ( offered in the first term only)
MATH 201 Calculus III
MATH 208 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MATH 371 Introduction to Numerical Computing
Math Core Courses:

Math Elective Courses:

Math elective courses 211 212 221 222 231 232 241 242 251 252 261 262
MATH 310 Logic and Set Theory             
MATH 315 Development of Mathematics  yes   yes   yes   yes  
MATH 325 Linear Algebra yes   yes   yes    yes  
MATH 336 Mathematical Models in Biology   yes   yes   yes    
MATH 353 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry             
MATH 423 Modern Algebra II yes      yes      
MATH 424 Applied Algebra        yes     
MATH 427 Number Theory  yes     yes     yes
MATH 432 Applied Matrix Theory      yes    yes   
MATH 433 Methods of Applied Mathematics II             
MATH 434 Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control         yes    
MATH 435 Ordinary Differential Equations  yes        yes   
MATH 436 Discrete Models   yes     yes    yes
MATH 437 Partial Differential Equations   yes      yes    
MATH 443 Advanced Calculus III             
MATH 463 Combinatorics      yes    yes   
MATH 467 Graph Theory    yes    yes    yes
MATH 471 Numerical Analysis I   yes    yes    yes  
MATH 472 Numerical Analysis II yes   yes     yes    
MATH 474 Linear & Nonlinear Programming      yes    yes   
MATH 475 Wavelets and Applications