BS in Mathematics 


A)   Preparatory Year
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENGL 01-xxPrep. English I4
ENGL 02-xxPrep. English II4
MATH 001Prep. Math I4
PYP 001Prep. Physical Science2
PYP 003Life Skills
PE 001Prep. Health and Physical Educ. I1
ENGL 03-xxPrep. English III4
ENGL 04-xxPrep. English IV4
MATH 002Prep. Math II4
PYP 002Prep. Computer Science1
PYP 004Prep. Eng. Technology1
PE 002Prep. Health and Physical Educ. II1
B) General Studies Requirements
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ENGL 101Intro. to Academic Discourse3
ENGL 102Intro. to Report Writing3
ENGL  214Academic & Professional Comm.3
IAS 111Belief and its Consequences2
IAS 121Basic skills in Arabic Language2
IAS 212Professional Ethics2
IAS 301/322Oral Communication Skills/Human Rights in Islam2
PE 101Health and Physical Educ. I1
CGS 392Career Essentials1
GS XXXGS Elective3
C) Digital Foundation Requirements
ICS 104​Introduction to Programming in Python and C
ISE 291​Introduction to Data Science
COE 292​Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

D) Business Foundation Requirement
BUS 200Business & Entrepreneurship3
E) Math & Science Requirements
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
CHEM 101General Chemistry I4
PHYS 101General Physics I4
PHYS 102General Physics II4
MATH 101Calculus I4
MATH 102Calculus II4
MATH 201Calculus III3
MATH 208Differential Equations and Linear Algebra3
XXX xxxScience Elective3
F) Mathematics Core Requirements
MATH 210Intro. to Sets and Structures3
MATH 225Intro. to Linear Algebra3
STAT 201Intro. to Statistics3
MATH 323Modern Algebra I3
MATH 333Methods of Applied Math I3
MATH 341Advanced Calculus I3
MATH 371Intro. to Numerical Computing3
MATH 441Advanced Calculus II3
MATH 445Intro. to Complex Variables3
MATH 451/STAT 301Differential Geometry/Intro. to Probability Theory3
MATH 453Intro. to Topology3
MATH 490Seminar in Math1
G) Math Elective Requirements 3
Math xxxMath Elective I3
Math xxxMath Elective II3
Math xxxMath Elective III3
Math xxxMath Elective IV 
H) Engineering, Technical and Free Elective Requirement  
XXX xxxEngineering Elective3
XXX xxxTechnical Elective I3
XXX xxxTechnical Elective II3
XXX xxxFree Elective3
I) Summer Training Requirement  
Math 399Summer Training2
 Total (Excluding Prep Year)123